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LinkedIn Company Page Bulk Inviter

It was such a massive pain that I went out in built it for myself over a weekend. I was telling someone how annoying it was to have to manually invite, each month, 250 selected contacts to follow our LinkedIn company page. The filters didn’t allow me to search by title and bulk invite. So I spent an hour building this Chrome Extension that automates this for me. Now saves me (and my team) a solid hour each month!

How to set it up:

1) Download this zip file and unzip it.

2) Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions.

3) Enable Developer mode if it's not enabled, and Load Unpacked. Select that folder.

How to use it:

1) Once loaded, navigate to LinkedIn, open your company page, and then open the "Invite connections" dialog.

2) Click the extension’s icon in the toolbar to open the popup.

3) Click a few times on Scroll All Contacts. This will load all of your connections.

4) Enter a keyword (it works with only one keyword for now), and click "Apply Filter".

5) Click "Select All Filtered" and then invite them.

This Chrome extension is open-source and provided for personal and non-commercial use only. It is strictly prohibited to sell, redistribute, or use this tool for any commercial purposes. By using this extension, you agree to adhere to these terms and respect the open-source community's principles. I am not responsible for any misuse or consequences resulting from the use of this tool. Use it at your own discretion.

About the Author

LinkedIn Company Page Bulk Inviter

Anis Bennaceur

Cofounder & CEO at Attention

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